Giorgos Papanikolaou



Alexis, 70 years old, retiree
Status: I can still be of service to the community
Constantina, 45 years old, mother of two children
Status: I don't want my children to pay for the mistakes that our generation made
Anastasia, 27 years old, regular smoker
Status: A cigarette helps me forget
Father Efsevios, 57 years old, priest
Status: Always believe, Always hope, Always persevere
Angelos, 52 years old, Fireman
Status: Protect the Forests in the winter and we will protect them in the summer
Anna-Maria, 38 years old, member of an Environmental Organisation
Status: You have used green development as a "scapegoat"
Robert, 56 years old, banker
Status: All work and no joy makes Jack a dull boy
Sakis, 31 years old, Plummer
Status: Work exists, Money does not
Hariclia, 47 years old, civil servant
Status: We are not all the same
Carolina, 47 years old, taxi driver
Status: A woman and a freelancer: a difficult equation
Angelic, 34 years old, Lawyer
Status: What will happen with the electronic filing of court documents?
Socrates, 31 years old, Owner of a DVD club
Status: Piracy kills art and it kills our jobs too
Vassilis, 31 years old, Biologist
Status: I research, thus I exist
Demosthenes, 49 years old, fisherman
Status: You Athenians are always in a hurry and very anxious
Areti, 50 years old, housekeeper
Status: Social security is a right that belongs to everyone
Elpida, 35 years old, disabled person
Status: Respect particularity
Helena, 42 years old, writter
Status: I am intrigued by the new digital media
Elli, 16 years old, student
Status: I'm bored,bored,bored.Are You?
Varvara, 43 years old, Traffic Police officer
Status: I cannot stand the pollution in the city anymore
Eric, 61 years old, farmer
Status: The euro-bureaucrats that form agricultural politics should come one day to our farms
Hazel, 22 years old, drug addict
Status: No to addictions
John, 50 years old, diplomat
Status: We live in a multipolar world
Cathrine, 51 years old, Attorney
Status: There is no development without swift justice conferment
Tasos, 19 years old, student
Status: I am currently studying but will I be working?
Olga, 21 years old, student
Status: Erasmus is a unique experience. Can I do it over again?
Dinos, 38 years old, hairstylist
Status: What I listen to everyday...
Lefteris, 33 years old, Member of Unit of rehabilitation of order
Status: Law and order is a value not a tv series
John, 31 years old, tourist guide
Status: Protect our monuments and archaeological treasures
Stelios, 60 years old, resident of Menandrou Street
Status: The illegal immigrants will not force me to leave my neighbourhood!
Thanassis, 39 years old, travel agent
Status: We will make it this year as well...
Eva, 25 years old, volleyball player
Status: Stay away from steroids
Chara, 33 years old, Retail Shop owner
Status: With so many austerity measures, I doubt I will escape shutting down my shop!
Kiriakos, 28 years old, unemployed
Status: I am not going to work for 400 euros a month, not matter what happens
Teresa, 24 years old, Victim of human trafficking
Status: The human body is not for sale
Panagiota, 40 years old, Estate agent
Status: For sale. For sale. For sale. But who buys?
Margarita, 46 years old, Scholar
Status: My language is Greek
Armando, 39 years old, Car mechanic
Status: Legal migrants want to help and they can!